Senior Data Scientist


Sysdig is the secure DevOps company, and we’re at the forefront of the container, Kubernetes, and cloud revolution. We are passionate, technical problem-solvers, continually innovating and delivering powerful solutions to confidently run cloud-native applications. Our consistent contributions to open source software projects reflect our commitment to the open cloud movement.

We value diversity and open dialog to spur ideas, working closely together to achieve our ambitious goals. And we're a great place to work too — we were awarded the 2021 Bay Area Best Places to Work Award from San Francisco Business Times and the Silicon Valley Business Journal and Inc. We are looking for team members who share our commitment to customers and are willing to dig deeper, understand problems and deliver innovative solutions. Does this sound like the right place for you?

Your Opportunity

Data is a crucial part of Sysdig’s mission to make every cloud deployment secure and reliable. We organize and interpret petabytes of data to provide monitoring and security solutions for our customers. We seek an experienced Data Scientist with an investigative mindset to help us identify opportunities to improve our monitoring product and help customers increase the uptime of their cloud deployments. Streams of high-resolution time-series data and events coming from customers' infrastructure give us the possibility to discover actionable trends in this data in real-time. You will be the first member of a new team, and it is great if you see that as an opportunity to grow a team and make a broader impact.

What you will do

  • Lead data science solutions from beginning to end
  • Apply statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to build new product features that work at a high scale
  • Research and benchmark the latest algorithms that can be used for monitoring use-cases
  • Assist with recruiting and outreach for the data science team, including building a diverse network of future candidates

What you will bring with you

  • 5+ years of commercial experience in a data science role solving high-impact business problems
  • Experience in data applications using large-scale distributed systems (e.g. Spark, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, Pig, and Hive)
  • Excellent quantitative modeling, strong knowledge of ML methods, statistical analysis, and problem-solving skills
  • You can explain complex ideas and algorithms in understandable ways
  • Knowledge of programming languages (e.g. Python or R)
  • Experience with time-series data and/or monitoring products is a big plus

What we look for

  • A positive “can do” attitude with the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas and see them to fruition

Why work at Sysdig?

  • We’re a well-funded startup that already has a large enterprise customer base
  • We have a pragmatic, approachable culture, from the CEO down
  • We have an organizational focus on delivering value to customers
  • Our open-source tools ( are widely used and loved by technologists & developers

When you join Sysdig, you can expect:

  • Competitive salary and equity opportunity
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Career growth

Additionally, we offer a variety of benefits and perks, such as:

  • A monthly allowance that can be used for the following types of expenses: (employee wellness, house cleaning services, home internet, phone expenses, office supplies, office furniture
  • Company provided Wellness Days