Technical Author for Articles in C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, Blazor Areas


We’re looking for a C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, and Blazor Developers to work on creating technical articles.

First – you need to be a developer working or actively involved in the C# ecosystem. The articles will be code-centric, so being in the trenches and able to code is instrumental.

Second – you need a solid command of the English language.

Budget and Time Commitment

Here are the typical budgets used by most authors:

Level 10

  • 750+ words – $73
  • 1500+ words – $88
  • 2000+ words – $98

Level 14

  • 750+ words – $89
  • 1500+ words – $100
  • 2000+ words – $110

Level 18

  • 750+ words – 93$
  • 1500+ words – 108$
  • 2000+ words – 118$

Once you get started, your level gets decided based on the quality of your write-ups.

You can access additional budget levels access based on experience and a few other factors.

In terms of time commitment, a good target is one article a week – but that’s very flexible (as long as our communication is good).

About the article (+ some examples)

Articles get published very quickly so you can expect yours to be published in a day or two once it's ready. You can also suggest your own topics (and get additional compensation for that).

Here are a few examples of topics:

  • Two-Step Verification with ASP.NET Core Identity
  • SOLID Principles in C# – Dependency Inversion Principle
  • How to Use Query Strings in Blazor WebAssembly
  • Dapper Migrations with FluentMigrator and ASP.NET Core

And here are a few finished article examples: