Internship for Mobile App Engineer


Do you know that more than 50% of web traffic is generated by mobile devices? And this number keeps rising. If you want to join developers who are shaping the world of mobile, we offer internship programs that are the perfect entry point for you.

What should you know before applying?

The internship is an essential part of a developer's career. It is an excellent opportunity to enter the IT world, a very dynamic place where learning never stops. During the internship, interns are allowed to engage and participate in industry-like projects, acquiring experience they usually don’t have a chance to gain at college.

Companies that offer such internship programs have standards and expectations from students who engage in the practice. And Vega IT is one of them.

One of the primary fields we focus on is web and mobile development, where our software developers mainly craft scalable, maintainable, and well-designed APIs, powerful JavaScript client-side applications, and mobile app

Here is the list of technology skills Vega IT expects from every person who applies for the mobile engineer internship:

  • Strong understanding of object-oriented and functional programming concepts;
  • Strong knowledge of JSON and XML;
  • Good knowledge of React Native (JavaScript), Flutter (Dart), Android native development (Java or Kotlin), or iOS native development (Swift or Objective-C);
  • Good knowledge of Apple's and Google's design principles;
  • Good knowledge of CSS or native styling mechanisms;
  • Good understanding of debugging tools;
  • Good understanding of events and notifications;
  • Basic understanding of native build tools like XCode or Gradle;
  • Git source control;
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English;
  • Open-mindedness and people skills are something that we value. Therefore candidates with these characteristics have better chances to work with us.