Senior Automation QA with Java/ C#/ TypeScript/ Python


MentorMate is an industry veteran that meets complex business challenges with native, hybrid, and custom software development. We think big, design smart and develop fast for all screens, projects, and teams. Our headquarters is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we have an office in Sweden, five development offices in Bulgaria, and a network of remote software development partners in more than 20 countries across the globe. With over 1,400 projects completed by our 850+ top software engineers, we innovate in sectors like healthcare, education, finance, agriculture, and beyond.

As a remote partner in our network, you will participate in the creation of enterprise-class applications on the latest technology platforms using proven design patterns. This position requires a solid hands-on developer to fully participate in the software development process, including design, development, unit testing, and technical documentation. You will use the Scrum development methodology to create 21st-century software solutions that set standards. On top of that, you can work from anywhere in the world, part- or full-time, and receive competitive pay.

Job description

  • Develop and enhance scalable test automation frameworks that meet business goals
  • Use various test automation approaches – API, UI, performance, and others
  • Develop functional and regression automation code from test case requirements
  • Triage, diagnose, report, track, and resolve software quality issues
  • Act as the lead in root cause analysis work for complex software and data issues
  • Ensure the appropriate testing and monitoring tools/ technologies are configured accordingly with the test objectives/ project team requirements
  • Identify required improvements in the test and development processes, make contributions to used automation tools, successfully addressing specific needs
  • Communicate effectively across multiple teams to ensure cohesion and collaboration
  • Provide leadership and mentoring for team members regarding test automation

Required skills

  • 4+ years of experience in building and executing automated tests
  • Experience with at least one of the following programming languages: Java, TypeScript, Python, C#
  • Experience with application (UI/ API/ Unit) automation tools, BDD automation tools, monitoring tools, performance testing tools, and automation technologies
  • Solid background in building automated testing architectures/ frameworks
  • Strong experience in database testing
  • Significant experience creating, executing, and reviewing the results of functional, integration, regression, and user acceptance tests
  • Excellent spoken and written English

A significant advantage would be

  • Experience with test automation within CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins or similar
  • Deep understanding of Selenium WebDriver
  • Previous experience in mentoring and training Junior Automation QAs

What We Offer

  • Freedom to work remotely from anywhere in the world
  • Opportunity to join a community of 850+ developers worldwide
  • Insured assistance from a personalized account manager
  • Accounting consultations for Bulgaria-based individuals that join the network
  • Clear and fair negotiation on your payment terms
  • No third-party intermediaries. Open communication with our teams.
  • Inspiring opportunities to work on various enterprise projects that set standards